Patricia Guzmán is a Mexican painter known for her realistic portraits in watercolor, oil, and acrylic. Patricia's work has been recognized with more than thirty awards around the world, including first place in Artist's Magazine, first place in San Petersburg Art Bridge twice, 1st place in the Mexican Society of Watercolorists Award twice, 1st place in the IV Raúl Torres Aguilar National Watercolor Collective, twice winner of the Tlacuilo, the highest recognition awarded by the National Watercolor Museum of Mexico, first place in the Beaux-Arts watercolor realism and impressionism competition, second place in Splash 22 Watercolor Competition, 2nd place in China World Glamor Prize, Bronze Award in IMWA Youth, among others.
The work of Patricia Guzmán has participated in more than one hundred and forty international painting exhibitions in China, the United States, Russia, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Peru, Greece, Thailand, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Bolivia, Albania, Korea, Colombia, Belgium and Mexico. It has been published in the book Her Voice... 10 Contemporary Women Watermedia Masters, in the books SPLASH 13, SPLASH 16, SPLASH 17, SPLASH 20, SPLASH 21 &SPLASH 22: Best of Watercolor Series, as well as in the book AcrylicWorks: Best of Acrylic 2013. Several magazines have published her work such as The Artist's Magazine, International Artist, Watercolor Artist, Artist's & Illustrators Magazine, Pratique des Arts, The Art of Watercolor, Mexicanísimo, Este País, Horizontum, Ambientes, Impacto, Revista Castálida, among others. As well as in the catalogs corresponding to the exhibitions and biennials in which she has participated.
Patricia has been a member of the Mexican Society of Watercolorists since 2010. She was a Representative of the International Watercolor Society in Mexico (2014-2015). Under her leadership, she and her team organized the 1st International Watercolor Exhibition at the Mexico City Museum and the Asia-Mexico Great Masters International Watercolor Meeting at the National Watercolor Museum.
Patricia's work is included in permanent collections in the Americas, Asia, and Europe, as well as numerous private collections throughout the world. Patricia Guzmán lives and works in Querétaro, Mexico. She teaches workshops, makes presentations, and participates in painting events globally. She recently completed her Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM.
“My intention is to give voice to the human condition. My passion is to show different realities from my perspective as a woman, through figuration, emotions and reason".
“The Roots series arose because I felt the need to see images that represented indigenous groups as the human beings they are, not from a dreamy or idealized perspective but from a current, humanist, horizontal, and even confrontational perspective.”
“I believe that all art is political, even the one that decides not to be”.
Documentary video:
Patricia Guzmán es una pintora mexicana conocida por sus retratos realistas en acuarela, óleo y acrílico. El trabajo de Patricia ha sido galardonado con más de treinta premios en el mundo, incluyendo el primer lugar de la revista Artist's Magazine, primer lugar en San Petersbursgo Art Bridge en dos ocasiones, 1er lugar en el Premio Sociedad Mexicana de Acuarelistas en dos ocasiones, 1er lugar en el IV Colectivo Nacional de Acuarela Raúl Torres Aguilar, dos veces ganadora del Tlacuilo, el máximo reconocimiento que el Museo Nacional de Acuarela de México otorga, primer lugar en la competencia de realismo e impresionismo de acuarela Beaux-Arts, segundo lugar en Splash 22 Watercolor Competition, 2do lugar en China World Glamour Prize, Premio de Bronce en IMWA Youth, entre otros.
La obra de Patricia Guzmán ha participado en más de ciento cuarenta exposiciones internacionales de pintura en China, Estados Unidos, Rusia, Italia, Suecia, España, Alemania, Perú, Grecia, Tailandia, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Bolivia, Albania, Corea, Colombia, Bélgica y México. Ha sido publicada en el libro book Her Voice... 10 Contemporary Women Watermedia Masters, en los libros SPLASH 13, SPLASH 16, SPLASH 17, SPLASH 20, SPLASH 21 &SPLASH 22: Best of Watercolor Series, así como en el libro AcrylicWorks: Best of Acrylic 2013. Varias revistas han publicado su obra y entrevistas como The Artist's Magazine, International Artist, Watercolor Artist, Artist's & Illustrators Magazine, Pratique des Arts, The Art of Watercolour, Mexicanísimo, Este País, Horizontum, Ambientes, Impacto, Revista Castálida, entre otros. Así como en los catálogos correspondientes a las exposiciones y bienales en las que ha participado.
Patricia es miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Acuarelistas desde el 2010. Fue Representante de International Watercolor Society en México (2014 - 2015). Bajo su liderazgo se hicieron las exposiciones 1era Exposición Internacional de Acuarela en el Museo de la Ciudad de México y Encuentro Internacional de Acuarela Asia - México Grandes Maestros en el Museo Nacional de Acuarela.
El trabajo de Patricia está incluido en colecciones permanentes en América, Asia y Europa, así como en numerosas colecciones privadas en todo el mundo. Patricia Guzmán vive y trabaja en Querétaro, México. Enseña talleres, hace presentaciones y participa en eventos de pintura a nivel global. Recientemente cursó la Licenciatura en Filosofía en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM.
“Mi intención es dar voz a la condición humana. Mi pasión es mostrar realidades distintas desde mi perspectiva como mujer, por medio de la figuración, emociones y razón".
“La serie Raíces surge porque sentía la necesidad de ver imágenes que representaran los grupos indígenas como los seres humanos que son, no desde una perspectiva ensoñadora o idealizada sino actual, humanista, horizontal e incluso confrontativa”.
“Creo que todo arte es político, aún aquel que decide no serlo”.
Video documental: