Kunming International Watercolor Artists Invitational Exhibition 2018

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So honored to have been invited to the wonderful exhibit Beyond the Clouds, Kunming International Watercolor Artists Invitational Exhibition organized by the talented Mr. Hu Xiaoxing. A large number of world watercolor painters of great influence gathered in Kunming presenting almost 200 masterpieces, which represents the development height and direction of the world watercolor art.  - "Man's yearning for a better life never stops. The responsibility of artists is, with their unique perspective, to find ways to lead a delicate and aesthetic public life and to help people escape from the reality of melancholy and hardship." Luo Jiang, President of the Yunnan Artists Association.

Liu Yi, Stanislaw Zoladz, Ye Xianmin, Joseph Zbukvic, Hu Xiaoxing, Huang Huazhao,  Alvaro Castagnet, Linda Doll, Amit Kapoor, Cesc Farre, Lliu Xide, Jing Li, Ze Ze Lai, Atanur Dogan were some of the exhibiting artists, 13 were international, 6 Canadian and 51 Chinese.


Muy feliz por haber sido invitada a la maravillosa exposición Beyond the Clouds, Kunming International Watercolor Artists Invitational Exhibition organizada por el talentoso Sr. Hu Xiaoxing. Se presentaron casi 200 obras maestras lo que representa la altura y dirección del desarrollo del arte de la acuarela mundial. - "El anhelo del hombre por una vida mejor nunca se detiene. La responsabilidad de los artistas es, con su perspectiva única, encontrar formas de llevar una vida pública delicada y estética y ayudar a las personas a escapar de la realidad de la melancolía y las dificultades". Luo Jiang, presidente de la Asociación de Artistas de Yunnan.

Liu Yi, Stanislaw Zoladz, Ye Xianmin, Joseph Zbukvic, Hu Xiaoxing, Huang Huazhao, Álvaro Castagnet, Linda Doll, Amit Kapoor, Cesc Farre, Lliu Xide, Jing Li, Ze Ze Lai, Atanur Dogan fueron algunos de los artistas expositores, 13 fueron internacionales, 6 canadienses y 51 chinos.

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